TRSM IT Device Buy-Out Payment Form

Please read the following terms and conditions:

- The TMU owned Laptop and Desktop are eligible for buyout options with the following conditions.

  • The user must be TRSM faculty or staff
  • The device must be three (3) years or older and no longer under the manufacturer's warranty.
  • Only purchasable with personal funds (PD funds or grants will not be accepted).
  • Payments are made via credit card (No cash or debit)

- Buying out device means; the device is no longer a TMU owned device, therefore:

1. Prior to purchasing, the device must be returned to TRSM IT to perform the following tasks:

  • Devices will be securely wiped and decrypted
  • All stored data and software will be removed
  • Reinstallation of the default operating system
  • TMU asset tag will be removed from the device and the device will be removed from the asset management system

2. TRSM IT will not provide any hardware and software support for the device.


Contact Information

Product Details


If you have any questions, please contact Hong Ki Lee at 416-979-5000 ext. 557455 or [email protected].
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